Cheating Allegations Force Stones Gambling Hall to Shut Off All Broadcast

Stones Gambling has recently suspended their broadcasts on all poker events, including live streamed matches. The broadcast suspension follows cheating allegations made against player Mike Postle.  

According to a public tweet issued by Gambling Hall, a thorough and detailed investigation into the matter will take place. Joey Ingram, on the other hand, has been pleading with Gambling Hall not to employ the same team which was previously tasked with handling cheating and other criminal activities. Joey shared his sentiments through YouTube streams while accusing the Stones team of being incompetent, and unable to find any evidence linking Postle in the investigations.

Suspicious account activities on social media have emerged following a probe into the cheating allegations. Postle has been scouring social media accounts, including multiple LinkedIn and tweeter accounts, which reportedly went missing soon after the claims surfaced. Speculations have emerged, citing that an insider is probably working with Mike Postle. Ingram Live mentioned include stone’s social media account manager, Justin Kuraitis, who is also a director, and sometimes a commentator at poker live stream. Although these allegations are still speculative and have no substantial evidence to support them, some may point out the suspicious timeline activity shared by the two. This would be further be demonstrated when Postle would play less” when Justin was absent during live-streams.

Meanwhile, members from Two Plus Two have pointed out that the validity of these claims may also imply that Postle cheated not once but even during his match with poker community hero Kevin (Racks) Rooster, a terminally-ill poker lover who had only a few weeks left to live. Rooster chose to spend his last days of summer with fellow poker fans and players at the WSOP. Kevin’s story was such an inspiration to many, especially when he chose to end his struggle with sarcoma via medical aid on July 26th.

DonWon, one of Two Plus Two’s, commented on his Oct 3rd  live stream that Mike had “ cheated Kevin Racks” on his third live stream as Ingram reviewed the dozens of Postle streams, including that of Racks’.

More clues continued to unfold as the investigations developed. Dough Polk also shared his opinions on the matter in a 28-minute youtube video he posted. After reviewing several live-streams, Polk established that Postle was earning around $56 per hand or $1,400 per hour. This is very improbable win rate to achieve especially considering the short-term in which the game is played.  Dough also commented that these were not exact figures, and were merely rough estimates.

Many have been left wondering what form of legal action will be taken on the matter, especially as it appears that a civil lawsuit is boiling up.  In a tweet by Lawyer Mac Verstanding, he is searching for players who have been affected by the shutdown plans by Stones to undertake necessary legal actions. There have been social media jokes concerning the matter. Although the social media mock with memes, the case remains critical to many as loads of questions remain unanswered.

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